
*submissions are now closed for AAHAM 2024 scholarship applications

It has always been the intent and desire of National AAHAM to promote the advancement of the patient financial services profession and the individual growth of its members through ongoing educational programs.

Over the years National AAHAM has been very proud of the refinement of and general acceptance by the Healthcare industry of the AAHAM Certification Programs (CRCE, CRCP, CRIP, CRCS, CCT),  confirmed with the combined development of a National AAHAM education fund via contributions from individual members, and the pursuit of National AAHAM’s sponsored educational sessions, it seems only fitting that the National AAHAM Scholarship Trust Fund was established.

At the January 2007 Board Meeting it was the unanimous vote of the Board to adopt the concept of a National AAHAM Scholarship and to charge the Practices and Standards committee with the responsibility to develop detailed information for implementation of the program.

The information presented here serves as a protocol for National AAHAM Scholarships. It will be refined on an ongoing basis, as needed, to maintain and enhance the quality and effectiveness of the program.

1. Purpose - To provide educational scholarships to individual AAHAM members, their spouse, child, or grandchild.

2. Eligibility - Any person who has been a National AAHAM member for at least one year and has paid their current dues by March 31 of the year in which application is made. If a member's dependent is applying, the above eligibility criteria apply to the child's parent or grandparent.  Student members are not eligible to apply for the scholarship.

3. Application - Formal application to the National AAHAM Office by September 15th, 2024. The submission forms are at the bottom of this page.
Any supporting documentation can be submitted by email to (preferred), by mail 1120 Route 73, Suite 200
Mount Laurel, NJ  08054.  If you are emailing any supporting documentation, please follow up with the National Office to confirm receipt.

4. Selection - Applications that meet the established criteria will be review by the National Practices and Standards Committee.

5. Awards - Scholarships will be awarded (as funds permit) in November as follows:

A. National member ADVANCEMENT IN HEALTHCARE: $2,500.00 maximum each for no more than 4 awards annually.

B. Spouse, child or grandchild of a National AAHAM member: $1,000.00 maximum each for no more than 8 awards annually.
*No member or dependent may receive more than one award.



The National AAHAM Scholarship Program provides for two classifications of awards. The primary emphasis is towards a member who applies and qualifies. Consideration is also given to an application submitted by a spouse, child, or grandchild of a National member. The classification of awards is as follows:

1) Member scholarship award:
* Member must have been a member of National AAHAM for at least one year and be a current member as of March 31st of the application year.
* Maximum Amount of award is $2,500.00 per year which shall be less than or equal to the cost of tuition and related expenses
No more than four (4) awards shall be given per year for this program.

2) Spouse, child, or grandchild of a National member scholarship award:
* Must be a spouse, child, or grandchild of a member of National AAHAM in good standing for at least one year.
* Maximum amount of award is $1,000.00 per year which shall be less than or equal to the cost of tuition and related educational expenses.
No more than eight (8) awards shall be given per year for this program.

3) No member, spouse, child, or grandchild may receive more than one award.

4) Student members are not eligible to apply for the scholarship.


Initial Funding -
In January 2020 the National AAHAM Board of Directors earmarked $18,000.00 for National AAHAM Scholarships.

Current and Future Funding -
Funding shall come annually from the general fund.  The amount of the funding is set by the board of directors.  This shall be reviewed every 2 years.

Application requirements and procedure:

A) Member applicant

1) The member must be a current paid National AAHAM member on March 31st of the year in which application for scholarship is made.

2) The member must have been a paid National AAHAM member for at least one year prior to the application deadline of September 15th.

3) A letter of acceptance from the educational institution or a statement from the registrar-indicating enrollment.

4) A completed application form, including all attachments specified in the application, must be submitted to AAHAM's
National Office by September 15th.

B) Spouse, child or grandchild applicant

1) Scholarship Application must be completed by the Dependent.

2) The member of the dependent applying for this scholarship must be a current paid National AAHAM member on March 31th of the year in which application for scholarship is made.

3) The member
of the dependent applying for this scholarship must have been a paid National AAHAM member for at least one year prior to the application deadline of September 15th.

4) A completed application form must be submitted, including the following:.

a) A written statement (no more than one page) giving evidence of financial need, including a list of other sources of financial aid such as scholarships;

b) A letter of acceptance from the educational institution or a statement from the registrar-indicating enrollment;

c) An official transcript of grades and credits earned.

d) At least one letter of recommendation, no more than two are necessary.

2. Selection

A) Criteria
1) Preference will be given to applicants enrolled in studies leading to a certificate or degree in healthcare or an associated field.

2) Selection will also be based on a review of the application and supporting documents, and the evidence of financial need.

3) No preference will be given to an applicant based on the applicant employment position, job title or length of employment.

B) Those applications, which meet the requirements specified in section 1, will be forwarded to the Practices and Standards committee for review during the month of July.

C) Award recipients will be notified by October 1st.  Awards will be presented at the ANI.